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Checking fixture catalogue

We manufacture inertia/exterior checking fixture, panel (stamping parts) checking fixture, trim parts (plastic parts) checking fixture, body assembly (body side checking fixture, engine compartment checking fixture, front floor checking fixture, rear floor checking fixture, body main checking fixture, body opening checking fixture, check gauge, closure checking fixture) checking fixture for car in checking-fixtures.com

  >Trim and chassis assembly process
  ・inertia/exterior checking fixture
  ・inertia checking fixture
  ・exterior checking fixture
>Stamping process
  ・panel (stamping parts) checking fixture
>Trim parts manufacture process
  ・trim parts (plastic parts) checking fixture
  ・checking fixture for another parts
>Body assembly process
  ・body side checking fixture
  ・engine compartment checking fixture
  ・front floor checking fixture
  ・rear floor checking fixture
  ・body main checking fixture
  ・body opening checking fixture
  ・check gauge
  ・closure checking fixture

Trim parts manufacture process - checking fixture for another parts



Main function Needs, concerns of customer.
・RR SEAT廻りの合わせ評価
【Needs, concerns of customer.】
・検具を使用する時に人手で簡単に移動できること。(軽量化) (計測室で使う) (検具サイズ縮小)

(実績2)GLASS RUN検具

Main function Needs, concerns of customer.
【Needs, concerns of customer.】
・硬いGLASS RUNを挿入するため、強度が必要。